Ethnology Library

About the Library

The Ethnology Library is one of the library collections operated by the Celetná Library. Access to books is provided through online requests from the UKAŽ discovery service; the books themselves are available for pick-up at Celetná Library.  

The Ethnology Library’s collection includes literature on European and world ethnography, ethnology, cultural, and social anthropology, with overlap to related disciplines such as sociology, areal studies, media studies, and religious studies

The literature covers a wide range of topics, from early ethnographic research to the study of distant societies and cultures, ethnic minorities, migration, spiritual and material culture, art, music, folklore, and customs, and the challenges of continuing globalisation and the transformation of cultures and societies

Specific units are the Otakar Pertold estate and part of the collection of the German University in Prague

Useful information
AddressCeletná 20, 110 00 Prague 1, 2nd floor, door no. 215
Opening hoursSee Opening hours page.
Phone+420 221 619 624
LibrarianMgr. Petr Schink
Mgr. Jan Brebera
ConsultantPhDr. Petr Janeček, PhD.