Suggestions for purchase

If you have a suggestion for the purchase of a book (periodical or other documents, including electronic versions) that should be added to any of the faculty library’s collections, you can use the contact form. This form serves as the primary tool for recommending the purchase of documents for all libraries at CU FA.  

Before completing your request, the following conditions must be met: 

  • Check in the UKAŽ discovery service to see if the book you are looking for is already in the collections of the CU FA libraries or whether the title you want is available as an e-book.  
  • The book must correspond in profile to the structure of the collections of the CU FA libraries, so it should be related to a field or fields taught at the faculty. 
  • The book is not available at all or only in insufficient quantities (the book is often borrowed) in any of the CU FA or CU libraries
  • The required book (document) is still available on the market. (New in bookstores, used in second-hand bookstores, or if the license for electronic version is available.)