An overview of the opening hours of all libraries may be found on our website. During public (national) holidays, the libraries are always closed. Go to opening hours.
From December 2019, only a single registration is required for all libraries of Charles University. To register, you must be a holder of an identity card issued by CU (there is also a card for the public) and then fill in and send an electronic application to use the services of CU libraries. In order to use the library services, it is not sufficient to have a digital card (e.g. via the ISIC app), but you must have a physical card. However, it is not necessary for the physical card to have an up to date validity.
The CU FA Library is not, in fact, a single library but a whole network of libraries. This network consists of 26 departmental libraries and the Centre of Scientific Information. This means that it isn’t possible to say where the CU FA Library is situated because each library, being part of a network, has its own location inside the buildings of CU FA. Formally speaking, CU FA Library’s location is identical to that of the Centre of Scientific Information and the Director of CU FA Library. The same principle applies to the opening hours – each library has different opening hours. The director of the CU FA Library and the staff of the Centre of Scientific Information have set office hours, which are listed here.
No. Jan Palach Library is one of 26 libraries that constitute the network of CU FA Library. See “What is the CU FA Library?”. Nonetheless, owing to its location, size, opening hours, range, and specialization of the library collection, Jan Palach Library serves to some extent as the central library of the CU Faculty of Arts. However, the term “central library” is inaccurate and, therefore, not used.
Yes, you may. All libraries of the Faculty of Arts are open to the public. There is no need for registration for the in-house study of books. It is necessary to have an external user pass issued at Charles University Card Service Centres to request documents from depositories and borrow regular loans. Issuing of this pass is subject to a fee. Registration with CU libraries itself is free of charge. The user registers by submitting and agreeing with an electronic application, which can be found on the website of Charles University Library. To access the electronic application, you must log in with the ID and password issued by the CU Card Service Centre. If you do not remember the password or it has expired, you must personally return it to the Card Service Centre. After successfully sending the application, the user becomes a registered user of all libraries at Charles University.
If you incur an overdue fine because you have not returned books in time, you must pay it as soon as possible. You can only borrow more books once the fine is paid. You may pay in cash at selected CU FA libraries or via cashfree bank transfer. All information on overdue fines payments can be found here.
Firstly, you must return the borrowed books. When you have done so, it is possible to request a discharge of the overdue fine. This must be done in writing and addressed to the Director of the CU FA Library (not by e-mail). Reasons for which discharge of the debt can be granted are specified in the Circulation Rules and Regulations of the CU FA Library.
Inform the library where you borrowed the book about it as soon as possible when you know you will not be able to return it in time so that the fine does not increase. Our librarian will stop the fine from increasing, write a loss report with you, and arrange further steps, which may include buying the same book. If it is not on the market anymore, the librarian will suggest a settlement payment or purchasing a book of the same price level. The process of compensating the lost document, including possible handling charges, is fully described in Article 6 of Charles University Library and Circulation Rules.
Contact the library from which you borrowed the book as soon as possible. The library employees will discuss further steps with you. List of libraries.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) allows internal users of CU FA (employees and students of the Faculty) to acquire documents that are not present in the collection of CU FA Library from libraries outside of Prague in Czechia or libraries abroad (International Interlibrary Loan – IILL). ILL is free of charge, and IILL is charged according to the price list of the National Library of the Czech Republic.
The literature borrowed via ILL, and IILL is intended only for in-house study in the study rooms of Jan Palach Library. Upon request, it is possible to deliver the book to another departmental library at CU FA for in-house study. The book is delivered to the departmental library by an employee providing ILL and IILL (not by the user). More information here.
Please see the frequently asked questions related to using the electronic resources. Redirect to eResources FAQ.
Please see the frequently asked questions related to using eLearning tools and online learning options. Redirect to eLearning FAQ.