Hungarian Studies Collection

About the Library

The Hungarian Studies Collection is one of the library collections operated by the Celetná Library. Access to books is provided through online requests from the UKAŽ discovery service; the books themselves are available for pick-up at Celetná Library.  

The library’s collection covers a wide range of subjects related to Hungary, including its history, specificities, and language. It contains a selection of language textbooks of various levels, theoretical works of linguistics, translated fiction by Hungarian authors, and works in the original.  

Useful Information
AddressCeletná 20, 110 00 Prague 1, 3rd floor, door no. 347c
Opening hoursServices of this library are provided by Celetná Library on the basis of a request in the discovery service UKAŽ.
See Opening hours page.
Accepts overdue fines payment in cash?NO
Phone+420 221 619 727
LibrarianMgr. Petr Schink
ConsultantJiří Januška, Ph.D.