Professional publishing policies


Let’s start with the general principles of responsible publishing, without which you could be at risk of having your text rejected before the potential peer review process. Among the most important by far are the principles related to research ethics (laid down in Dean’s Measure No. 20/2020; available in Czech only) and the requirements related to the demands on the professionalism of research work. In particular, it is necessary to ensure the following:

  • originality of published results
  • a high linguistic level of the language in which you are writing the text 
  • clear and concise message of the text 
  • listing of (co-)authors who contributed to the creation of the text or research 
  • indication of sources of grants or any other means of funding 
  • citing all one’s own and other people’s works, including unpublished sources

To learn more about research and ethical principles, see these comprehensive resources, for example:

  • Partial Ethical Guidelines for Horizon 2020 Projects [PDF, Czech] 
  • Web Guidepost on Ethical Guideline for Research [WWW]

Structure of a scientific article

When structuring a scientific article, in almost all cases you should divide the text into logical sections as shown in the table below. To find out what areas to include in your article and how to name the sections, check the structure of the articles published in the selected journals. 

TitleDescribes the content of the article
Authors and affiliationsAuthor’s team
AbstractA brief description of the article, length 150-300 words (research problem, methods, results, conclusion) that leads the reviewers to accept the review and the reader to decide whether to continue reading the article
Keywords2-4 thesaurus entries used in the scientific community or entries freely created based on the content of the text (important for database searches)
IntroductionPosing a problem, setting a general research question
MethodsExplanation of how the research data were obtained, including a detailed description of the methods for possible replication of the experiment
ResultsDescription of observed/discovered phenomena
DiscussionSummary of the impact of the results and possible limitations
ConclusionRecapitulation of the main results of the paper and its benefits
AcknowledgementsList of people and institutions that have provided intellectual assistance with the preparation of the text/research or supported it in other ways
ReferencesCitation of sources on which the author based their work
AppendixPossibility of publishing additional data

Citation of sources

A scientific article must be supported by high-quality sources. This will also increase your chances of having your paper accepted for review. However, as soon as you come across a topic you want to cover, before writing the text, focus on whether the issue is covered in dissertations, research, professional reviews, or articles from respected periodicals and large publishers that you could use. Without thorough initial research, you may come across sources that accurately summarize what you are about to write, and the writing itself can easily become a frustrating affair. 

All your works, works of other authors, unpublished sources, websites, pictures, graphs, etc., must be properly cited according to the citation style required by the chosen journals. Gone are the days when citations had to be written with a citation manual in hand. The following services will help you create error-free citations of various types of documents: 

  • The Citace PRO online tool creates complete citations from entered ISBN/ISSN/DOI identifiers. Even if you cannot find the desired publication, it is still one of the most efficient tools for inserting publication metadata and generating citations according to the most used citation standards. In addition, after logging in with a CU account, it will start remembering the generated citations and allow you to install useful add-ons for your browser and MS Word (already available in the regular version).
  • The versatile Zotero desktop manager is helpful with long-term systematic collection of useful resources. When you can (and if you download an add-on to your browser with the desktop app), Zotero will download the metadata of the requested articles, including full texts, from which you can generate citations. 

Do you need clarification or advice or would you like to arrange a training course on the topic? Contact us at!