Charles University or individual faculties purchase a large number of bibliographic and full-text databases with the support of the CzechELib project. The full list of resources (including resources purchased by other faculties outside the project and resources in open access mode) is available on the Electronic Resources Portal – For resources requested by other faculties, the terms of access depend on the licence agreements and these terms may vary.
To access each resource, click on the heading below.
Bibliographic and fulltext resources:
ATLA religion Database with ATLA series
The database combines the premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion with ATLA’s online collection of major religion and theology journals.
Coverage of this database begins in 1949, although indexing for some journal titles extends back into the nineteenth century. This database is produced by the American Theological Library Association.
Brepolis Latin Complete
The Brepolis Latin Complete allows the user to search simultaneously various databases, namely:
- Library of Latin Texts – one of the most important databases of Latin literature from antiquity to the 20th century.
- Aristoteles Latinus Database – critical editions of medieval translations of Aristotle’s writings in full texts.
- Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature – Latin texts of philosophers of the early Middle Ages (400-1200) from the territory of Celtic Europe (Saint Patrick, Augustinus Hibernicus, Columbanus, Sedulius Scottus, John Scottus Eriugena, Peter Abelard …).
- Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH) – one of the most important medieval critical editions.
- Database of Latin Dictionaries – a database linking different types of Latin dictionaries developed by CTLO (Centre Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium).
- Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources -the most intelligible dictionary of medieval Latin and the first dictionary focusing on British medieval Latin.
- L’Année philologique – bibliographic database of scientific works concerning all aspects of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.
The 6 databases use the same interface and are searchable simultaneously with the Cross Database Searchtool. Free bibliographiesBibliographia Franciscana and Bibliographia Internationalis Spiritualitatis.
Access limited to 3 concurrent users.
CEEOL provides access to subscribed and open access e-journals in humanities and social sciences from Central and Eastern Europe. All content in CEEOL either has its origin in Central, Eastern or South-Eastern Europe and/or is considered relevant to the region, its histories, cultures, languages, as well as, its political and social problems and discussions for possible solutions. A large amount of open access content is also accessible on the platform.
Gale Literatry Sources
A multidisciplinary full-text database that brings together Gale’s leading literary database in one place. Literary works, biographies, critics, literary and cultural analyzes are available within the databases.
Specifically, there are databases:
- Literary Criticism
- Literary Resource Center
- Dictionary of Literary Biography
- LitFinder
- Something about the Author
JSTOR – Arts & Sciences I-XV
The multidisciplinary Arts & Sciences journal collections in the JSTOR Digital Library focus on:
- Anthropology
- Archeology
- Art and art history
- Asian studies
- Classical studies
- Cultural studies
- Economics and business
- Education
- Geography
- History
- Jewish studies
- Language
- Law
- Literature
- Music
- Philosophy
- Political science
- Psychology
- Religion
- Social sciences
A complete overview of the Arts & Sciences collections and their contents can be found here:
Library & Information Science Source (LISS)
A comprehensive full-text database for library and information science studies. It offers journals and periodicals that help librarians and researchers keep pace with the latest trends in the rapidly evolving field.
Oxford English Dictionary
OED is widely regarded as the accepted authority on the English language. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of words from across the English-speaking world.
PsycARTICLES, from the American Psychological Association (APA), is a definitive source of full-text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology. It includes all journal articles, letters to the editor and errata from each journal. Coverage spans 1894 to present.
PsycINFO , from the American Psychological Association (APA), contains citations and summaries of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations, all in psychology and related disciplines, dating as far back as the 1800s. 98 percent of the covered material is peer-reviewed. Journal coverage, which spans 1887 to present, includes international material selected from more than 2,200 periodicals in more than 27 languages..
The SAGE HSS Full Text Collection provides access to electronic journals in the humanities and social sciences produced by SAGE Publishers.
There are available individual e-journals and also the following collections:
- Communication & Media Studies: A SAGE Full-Text Collection
- Politics & International Relations: A SAGE Full-Text Collection
- Sociology: A SAGE Full-Text Collection
- When searching, make sure you search only in the part of the database you have access to: Advanced Search > Access Type > choose “Only content to which I have full access”.
- A large number of open access journals are also accesible on the platform.
SocINDEX with Full Text
SocINDEX with Full Text covers a broad range of studies, including gender studies, criminal justice, social psychology, religion, racial studies and social work. In addition to full-text journals, SocINDEX with Full Text contains informative abstracts for core coverage journals dating as far back as 1895. Complete with extensive indexing for books, monographs, conference papers and other non-periodical content sources, the database also includes searchable cited references.
Citation-based databases and tools:
Incites – Benchmarking and& Analytics
A research evaluation tool that allows individuals or institutions to analyse their productivity and benchmark their output against peers worldwide. With citation data, global metrics, and multidimensional profiles on the leading researchers and institutions, InCites gives insight into their performance. It is based on journal article publication counts and citation data from Web of Science.
The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world’s research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.
Web of Science
A leading bibliographic and citation database covering the most impactful global and regional scholarly journals, books, and proceedings from the fields of technical and natural sciences, social sciences, arts, and the humanities. It focuses on the essential data from across more than 250 disciplines, finds and tracks scholarly citations, provides tools for viewing journal impact factor, for finding author names using ResearcherID, a unique identifier which enables researchers to manage their publication lists, tracks times-cited and h-index, and identifies potential collaborators.
Collections of eBooks and eJournals, searchable in the UKAŽ discovery service:
Academic Search Ultimate
Cambridge Core
EBSCO eBooks
Taylor & Francis Online
Wiley Online Library
To access each resource, click on the heading above.