Mongolian and Tibetan Studies Library

About the Library

The Mongolian and Tibetan Studies Library is small, with about 2,000 books and journals, but many volumes are unique in the Czech environment. The collection is divided into several sections, the main division being by the language of the book in European languages and Oriental languages, especially Mongolian and Tibetan

The collection also includes prints and reproductions of Mongolian and Tibetan origin. The library’s collection consists mainly of Mongolian and Tibetan specialised literature on the history, culture, and languages of the areas studied, including many publications on Lamaist Buddhism and Buddhism in general.

Useful Information
AddressNa Příkopě 29, 100 00 Prague 1
Opening hoursSee Opening hours page
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LibrarianMgr. Jakub Rumpl
Consultantdoc. Daniel Berounský, Ph.D.