Dear users, please pay attention to the following information about the Historical Cabinet’s restricted hours:
The Historical Cabinet (main building, door no. 203) will be in LIMITED OPERATION from 29 July to 10 August:
- Opening Hours
- Standard summer opening hours will remain, i.e. Monday – Tuesday 1 pm – 5 pm, Wednesday – Thursday 9am – 1pm.
- Operations
- ONLY THE STUDY ROOM will be available.
- Borrowing: possible ONLY after online reservation in the UKAŽ central discovery service. You will be able to collect your books when you receive the e-mail about the completed reservation.
- Returning: book returns will be allowed without restriction. During opening hours it is possible to return books in the study room. Outside opening hours, books can be returned to the book drop box in the basement of the main building (in front of the Jan Palach Library).
The library will be CLOSED* from 12 August to 23 August. For up-to-date information, please visit the Opening Hours page (Go to) and the Historical Cabinet’s Facebook page (Go to).
*subject to change