Dear users, please pay attention to the following information about the change in opening hours and loan periods during the summer in CU FA libraries:
From 1 July to 27 September, the opening hours of the CU FA libraries will vary, so please always check the opening hours before visiting the library during this period. (Go to)
Opening hours listed on other platforms (Google Maps, Facebook, etc.) may not always be current and the CU FA Library does not guarantee their accuracy.
This year we’re going to be changing the loan period over the summer. This year it will not be possible to have books from the CU FA libraries at home for the whole summer, as in previous years, but the same loan period will apply as during normal operations. You will still be able to return books from closed libraries to the book drop box in the respective building. For more information about the book drop boxes and their locations, please visit the Loan Services page. (Go to)
Thank you for your understanding!
image source: BearFotos | shutterstock.com